Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Rewards Part II

In March, I had set the following goals:

When I get to 240lbs - I will go for a massage
When I get to 230lbs - I will buy myself a new pair of jeans
When I get to 220lbs - I will go for a pedicure
When I get to 210lbs - I will buy myself a LuluLemon sweater, since they don't fit right now :(
When I get to 200lbs - I will buy myself a nice piece of jewelery, like something white gold with a few diamonds :)

I've decided that I need to re-evaluate my goals. I've also decided that the more I lose, the bigger the reward :) lol
240lbs - New jeans!
230lbs - Massage & Pedicure
220lbs - Bench sweater or jacket
210lbs - LuluLemon sweater
200lbs - A ring with white gold and diamonds :)
180lbs - New swim suit (2 piece?)
160lbs - Trip! Europe or NYC. Depending on the finances, lol.

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