Who Am I?

Well, here I am! March 2011. I never thought I'd be one to start a blog but I guess this is the day! I am 24 years old and have been struggling with my weight since I was a child. I can't even count how many diets I have been on-- everything from Weight Watchers, LA Weightloss, Low Carb, No Carb, Low Fat, No Fat, you name it, I tried it! With each diet I had little success, losing about 10 lbs and then plateauing. I would get frustrated and start eating like crap again.

Taking Charge:
In late 2009, I realized that when I don't watch what I eat, I eat HORRIBLY and if that kept up I was just going to get bigger, and bigger, and bigger. I was watching CP24-- a newscast based in Toronto when I saw Dr. Natasha Turner. She was talking about her new book, "The Hormone Diet" and explained the effects our hormones have on our whole body. I went out and bought the book the very next day. I read it inside and out over the course of a few weeks, highlighted key points (something I never do, I'm so anal about marking up my books, lol), and made notes. I then typed up my new findings and printed them into a condensed version I could carry with me. I learned soooo much! Different ways to de-stress, to get a better sleep, foods to stay away from, and more. I began with her "detox" cutting out different foods to determine whether I had a sensitivity towards them. I didn't have a reaction to any, so I began to follow her "Glycemic Index" approach. I found this section of the book a little confusing so I went out and purchased "The GI Diet" by Rick Gallop. It broke foods down into 3 "colours". Green-light foods: Foods that you can eat all the time, Yellow-light foods: Foods you can have occasionally and to maintain your weight and Red-light foods: Foods to avoid. The book also suggested you make each meal balanced in a way that makes you consume 50%, 25% starch and 25% protein. Following this diet made me lose 30lbs!

March 2011:
After a very stressful year-- new job, moving into a place, new city, new dog, the holidays and trouble with finances, my weight fluctuated about 10 lbs. I tried to follow the GI Approach but was constantly cheating! We had company over every weekend or we were visiting friends, my boyfriend was eating crap and it was TEMPTING!
I finally made the decision to see a Naturopathic Doctor. She is awesome! Very thorough and knowledgable. I started being very strict again and I am slowly losing again. I cut out wheat and started eating only rice-based grains. I feel grrrrrreat but every day is a daily struggle. I am hoping this blog will continue to motivate myself and others and offer support.

Today is a new day...wish me luck!


January 2014:
I lost over 50lbs as of December 2011...
Here I am now. 27 years old and married to the most amazing man I've ever met.

Doctors told me I would never conceive naturally. I proved them wrong, in fact, I proved them wrong without even trying. I was blessed with my beautiful son on October 24th, 2012. I believe it was the new lifestyle I adapted that helped us to conceive. 
Now it's time to lose that baby weight (and then some). I am back on the wagon and fully motivated once again. Follow me along my journey and watch me do this once again!

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