Saturday, 9 April 2011

Sensitivity Detox: Day 13

Good afternoon everyone! So I got most of my blood work done today. The lab opened at 7:30 and I got there soon after. I didn't have to wait long and they drew my first bit of blood. Then I had to drink the glucose drink (tasted like flat orange Crush) and wait in the lab for two whole hours! Longest hours of my life, lol. Thank goodness I had my phone to play on and Chris showed up a while later to bring me a Cosmo, lol. (The magazine, not a drink! lol) After the two hours they took my blood once again. I finally got to go home and eat something. It was about 11:00 at that point so I just ate some hummus, crackers and an apple. I have to go back at 2:30 where they are going to measure my cortisol (stress hormone) and compare it to the measurement they took this morning.
Laura and Will are coming over tonight so I then went to work cleaning up a bit and prepping the food I am making tonight. I plan on making sweet potato fries in the oven, onion rings (made with rice flour), baked tostones with lean ground beef, white bean and tuna dip and my mexican pinwheels. Besides the pinwheels, all of these meals are experiments, lol. The only thing I can't eat are the mexican pinwheels. They are fine for when I am not detoxing but the tortillas, cheese and cream cheese are a big no-no right now :( I can't wait to be finished this! 3 more days!
On a lighter (and much more happier and exciting note!) I am down 40lbs this morning!!! Whoo, hoo!!! Just about half way to my first goal! There is light at the end of the tunnel!
My plan tonight is to eat a super-light dinner so that later tonight I can enjoy my snacks tonight :) I'll let you know how my experiments turn out! lol Have a beautiful Saturday! :)

Starting to look like a pin cushion :(


  1. 40 lbs is amazing. How awesome is that!!!!!

  2. Thanks a bunch! I hope I can keep it up! :D
