Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Planning, Planning, Planning!

Today I am feeling a little anxious. On Thursday, we are heading down to Brampton (where our families live) so that Chris can work a few shifts at the bar (Happy St. Patty's Day!) I know that if I don't plan my meals, I am just going to end up eating like crap and sabbotaging myself. So here is the "plan":

Things to pack:
  • Kashi GoLean Cereal
  • A thermos of skim milk
  • Homemade hummus (which I will make tomorrow)
  • Mary's Organic Crackers
  • Whey Protein Muffins (which I will make tomorrow)
  • Brown Minute Rice
  • 2 pieces of salmon (cooked at home)
  • Kraft Fat Free Italian Dressing
  • Romaine Lettuce
There! I think that should get me through the weekend! lol
I am also meeting up with a few friends at restaurants... (dun, dun, dunnnnnnn!)
On Friday, I am meeting up with Tiffany at Milestones (my fav!) where I would usually have Spinach and Artichoke dip and Grilled Chicken Penne Asiago-- basically white pasta covered in creamy cheese sauce. Not the healthiest of choices and I would finish every, last, morsel of food. THIS TIME, I am doing some research. I have decided that I am going to order "Tomato Basil Brown Rice Spaghettini: Gluten Free. Fresh grape tomatoes sauteed in olive oil with plenty of fresh spinach, basil and garlic. Tossed with brown rice spaghettini noodles and finished with Goat cheese". Ummm, can you can yummmmm?! I am also going to add some chicken breast (for protein) and hopefully be able to save half of it and bring it home, assuming the portion will be big enough to do so. I think I may have one peach belini though :)
On Saturday, Laura and I are having a salad night, lol. Well at least I am. I am not sure where we are going yet, but I am going to eat a salad with chicken and hopefully a low-fat dressing.
I am so sad that my week off of work is almost over. It's been so nice to be home, have time to work out, take Ben for walks and have even more time to plan my meals. Now I'm really looking forward to having the summer off.

Spinach and Artichoke Dip - Looks so good but it's the devil! lol - 1000 calories!

Grilled Chicken Penne Asiago - 1140 calories! Barf!
(Where's the chicken and the tomatoes?!)

Tomato Basil Brown Rice Spaghettini - 640 calories! + 200ish for the added chicken
(320 + 100 = 420 calories, since I plan on eating half)
(Looks delish! Hope it tastes as good as it looks!)

1 comment:

  1. Great job for having a plan of action!! Sounds like you're going to have some tasty meals :D
