Tuesday, 15 March 2011

About Me

Well, here I am! I never thought I'd be one to start a blog but I guess this is the day!
I am 24 years old and have been struggling with my weight since I was a child. I can't even count how many diets I have been on-- everything from Weight Watchers, LA Weightloss, Low Carb, No Carb, Low Fat, No Fat, you name it, I tried it! With each diet I had little success, losing about 10 lbs and then plateauing. I would get frustrated and start eating like crap again.

Taking Charge:
In late 2009, I realized that when I don't watch what I eat, I eat HORRIBLY and if that kept up I was just going to get bigger, and bigger, and bigger. I was watching CP24-- a newscast based in Toronto when I saw Dr. Natasha Turner. She was talking about her new book, "The Hormone Diet" and explained the effects our hormones have on our whole body. I went out and bought the book the very next day. I read it inside and out over the course of a few weeks, highlighted key points (something I never do, I'm so anal about marking up my books, lol), and made notes. I then typed up my new findings and printed them into a condensed version I could carry with me. I learned soooo much! Different ways to de-stress, to get a better sleep, foods to stay away from, and more. I began with her "detox" cutting out different foods to determine whether I had a sensitivity towards them. I didn't have a reaction to any, so I began to follow her "Glycemic Index" approach. I found this section of the book a little confusing so I went out and purchased "The GI Diet" by Rick Gallop. It broke foods down into 3 "colours". Green-light foods: Foods that you can eat all the time, Yellow-light foods: Foods you can have occasionally and to maintain your weight and Red-light foods: Foods to avoid. The book also suggested you make each meal balanced in a way that makes you consume 50%, 25% starch and 25% protein. Following this diet made me lose 30lbs!

Present Day:
After a very stressful year-- new job, moving into a place with my boyfriend, new city, new dog, the holidays and trouble with finances, my weight fluctuated about 10 lbs. I tried to follow the GI Approach but was constantly cheating! We had company over every weekend or we were visiting friends, my boyfriend was eating crap and it was TEMPTING!
I finally made the decision to see a Naturopathic Doctor. She is awesome! Very thorough and knowledgable. I started being very strict again and I am slowly losing again. I cut out wheat and started eating only rice-based grains. I feel grrrrrreat but every day is a daily struggle. I am hoping this blog will continue to motivate myself and others and offer support.

Today is a new day...wish me luck!


  1. Well great job on starting up again :)

    I highly suggest watching the documentary Fat Head when you get the chance. If you have Netflix, it's on instant watch.
    Trust me, you'll learn A LOT from watching that movie and the food items we all should really be avoiding. Great great watch.

    Anywho, it sounds like you are determined and ready to kick some butt :D

  2. You are doing amazing work!!!! You should be so proud.we might have to swap some recipes one day :)

    What are the main points to follow with the hormone diet?

  3. Thanks Lisa, I'll be sure to check that out!
    Catty, if you send me your e-mail address I can send you my notes :)
