Thursday, 31 March 2011

Sensitivity Detox: Day 4

Good evening! Today was great! Last night I went to bed at 7:00pm and got in 11 hours of sleep! I really felt recharged this morning. I also got tons of compliments about my weight loss and that made me feel even better. Here is a pic of me I took. Yes, I was so in the washroom but whatever, haha!
You like my jazz hand? lol
Here is what I ate today:

Homemade Hummus (2 tbsps)
Marys Organic Crackers (8)


Chicken breast (deck of cards)
Brown rice (1/2 cup)
Romaine lettuce
Kraft Fat Free Italian Dressing (2 tbsps)

Banana (they are the perfect ripeness right now, lol)

Lean ground beef (deck of cards)
Brown rice (1/2 cup)
Romaine lettuce
Kraft Fat Free Italian Dressing (2 tbsps)

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Sensitivity Detox: Day 3

Hello everyone! Day three of my special diet went pretty good! I didn't feel sick after my breakfast today so hopefully the other day was just a fluke. I go see my ND on April 11th after 15 days of being so restrictive. I am also planning on getting my blood work done on Sunday. Not much to say today!
This is what I ate:

Homemade Hummus (2 tbsps)
Mary's Organic Crackers (8)


Brown Rice Pasta (1/2 cup)
Ground chicken (deck of cards)
Soy sauce (1 tbsp)
Romaine Lettuce
Kraft Fat Free Italian Dressing (2 tbsps)

Banana (1)
Peanut butter (1 tbsp)

Chicken Breast (deck of cards)
Brown rice (1/2 cup)
Soy sauce (1 tbsp)
Lots of veggies! Baby bok choy, onions, brocolli, carrots, green beans and beansprouts.

My very yummy dinner!!!

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Sensitivity Detox: Day 2

Today was a good day although I felt a little nauseous after eating breakfast. Not sure if it was too early to be eating so much garlic or what. This weekend I am going to my parent's house for my dad's birthday and I am very nervous! Since I am on a very limited diet, I will probably have to bring my own meal. Every Friday, the staff members bring in "Friday Treats" which usually consists on LOTS of a junk food and ONE tray of veggies and dip, lol. It is my turn this Friday and I am going to bring some of my homemade hummus and some fruit. If I have time Thursday night (between tutoring and Grey's Anatomy) I will make a fruit bouquet. Day 2 is almost complete!
   Here is what I ate today:

   Homemade Hummus (2 tbsps)
   Mary's Organic Crackers (8)


   Salmon (deck of cards)
   Brown rice (1/2 cup)

   Brown rice pasta (1/2 cup)
   Ground chicken
   Oyster sauce

   Peanut butter (1 tbsp)

Here is a fruit bouquet I made last summer

Monday, 28 March 2011

Sensitivity Detox: Day 1

Hello everyone!
So day one of my detox went well. Although I sat down on the couch this morning with my breakfast and pretty much dumped it all over myself. Then I forgot my water AND my apple for my 10:30am snack. Otherwise, it was successful. I didn't really feel hungry and I don't miss my milk...yet, lol.
Here is what I ate today:

Hummus (2 tbsps)
Marys Organic Cracker's (8)

Chicken breast (deck of cards)
Brown rice (1/2 cup)
Mixed greens
Fat free Kraft Italian Dressing (2 tbsps)

Can of tuna (1 can)
Brown rice (1/2 cup)
Mushrooms, onions, garlic and oyster sauce

Banana (1)
Peanut butter (1 tbsp)

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Tomorrow is the Day...

Tomorrow is the day! *dun, dun, dunnnnnnn!* I am starting my elimination detox and going to continue it for 14 days!  To prepare today Chris finished off the rest of the fat free sour cream, I made a fresh batch of hummus, went to the grocery store to buy some more fruit and filled up on my milk today since I won't be able to have it for 2 weeks, lol. Is having hummus for breakfast for two weeks weird? lol.
Along with the goal of sticking to my detox, I am also going to try and exercise more. I do free weights, crunches and squats every other day but I'm going to try and aim for doing it daily.
I was calculating my receipts for the naturopath and my limit of $400 is creeping up fast! It's too bad my insurance company doesn't cover more, it's only March! I'm going to have to find some moolah to keep up with this!
I also wanted to share a website that another blogger shared: Although I can't eat a lot of the stuff on this website, it is still pretty awesome! Lots of great ideas for making healthy food fun and exciting! Enjoy!

Ben looking guility... 

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Thanks for the Support!

Hello everyone! I just wanted to take a moment to so thank you to all of you who comment on my posts and send me messages of support! I really appreciate it and I believe that without it, I would not be able to be as successful as I have been so far. :)
I had an appointment with Dr. Som my Naturopathic Doctor and although I am down about 35lbs since starting, I am down 11 from when I began following her plan (March 7th!) She was so impressed and told me what a great job I was doing!
I lost about 7lbs of fat, 3lbs of water and 1lb of muscle (which basically means, I need to up my workout!)
She received the lab results from my doctor and everything seemed pretty much normal. My B12 and iron were a little low, but nothing to worry about she said. When I was younger, (before I was on the pill) I used to take iron supplements and B12 shots because I was anemic. She was a little concerned about my inflammation and white blood cells, since it was high. I had a cold when I went for my blood work, so that may be why it was high but she is sending me to get tested again. My family doctor also sent me requisitions to get some more tests done including a glucose test, a test to check my testosterone levels, one for cortisol, insulin, and some others. I'll have to get them done on a weekend since it's pretty much an all day thing: They are going to take blood at 8am, then have me drink a sugary drink and test again at 10am, then they are going to check my cortisol level in the evening at about 4pm. I was also told that my thyroid analysis came back normal too! *Whew!*
So I am starting the elimination detox on Monday. It consists of cutting out dairy products, eggs, wheat, tomatoes, bell peppers, corn, white potatoes, citrus fruit, peanuts, peanut butter, pork, bacon, cold cuts, hot dogs, sausages, canned meats, shellfish, smoked meats, catfish, butter, sugar, artificial sweetners, coffee, black tea, soda and alcohol. I have already cut most of this stuff out of my diet, the only part that is going to be difficult is the dairy products since I usually have my Kashi and milk for breakfast. Dr. Som gave me some alternatives to the milk such as soy milk, almond milk or rice milk. I think I'll stick to hummus, rice crackers and fruit for the next two weeks, lol. The other part is the tomatoes because that includes tomato sauce and I'm Italian, lol. The detox is supposed to be about 2-3 weeks long and then I need to slowly reintroduce each item and look for side effects.
I have discovered a new treat! RiceWorks chips! Made from brown rice and they are wheat and gluten free! I asked Dr. Som and she said they are fine to eat. I was surprised because they taste so good, lol.
It is going to be a tough 2 weeks and I am soooo afraid of messing up! I have my dad's birthday on Saturday so I am going to have to find out what my mom plans on making, nix the birthday cake and probably pack some things that I can have. Wish me luck!!! xo

Thursday, 24 March 2011


Hello everyone!
So I'm noticing some changes in my body, my tummy is feeling a little smaller in my pants but the thing I notice the most is my boobs! They are shrinking! Let's just say Chris is not happy, lol.
We are having company over this weekend but I do not plan on cheating! To get through it, I am going to have to make some healthy treats to eat. Any flourless, sugarless treat recipes out there? :)
I have another appointment with the naturopath on Saturday. The last time I was there we asked my doc to send over my most recent blood work (done in November). She is also sending me for a bunch of other blood tests including a glucose test. When I first started being super strict she wanted to find out if I was sensitive to any foods. There were two options: Either pay $300 for a "allergy test" or do an elimination detox. I was very overwhelmed with the new way she wanted me to eat that I almost considered saving for the allergy test but now that I have gotten used to eating this way, I am going to tell her that we can go ahead with the elimination detox. From what she told me, the way the detox works is that you have to eliminate things from your diet such as wheat (already done), dairy (that's going to be a tough one!) and some other items and then add them back in separately. If you have a reaction, which could be anything from a sniffly nose, flemy or sore throat, headaches, etc. it could be that you are sensitive to it. I will post more about it when I get that information. She also wants to send me for a $250 hormone test. I know, I know, it's a little steep but she thinks it's the best way to figure out what's going on with my hormones and how out of whack they are. My insurance covers it, but it's coming up with the money up front that I have to worry about. I'll let you all know how it goes!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

Hello all!
So yesterday we were enjoying the warm spring weather. The children were doing all those lovely things we do in spring such as playing on the jungle gym, playing in the sand, playing hopscotch and using chalk. It was awesome! We haven't had a good snow fall for a while and I was really enjoying taking Ben for long walks, thinking about getting my winter tires off my car and retiring my hat and mitts. WELL, this morning, THIS is what we woke up to...

That is Ben, looking at the snow on our balcony. It is currently -3 and there is about 10+ inches of snow on the ground. I am so sick of all this snow! I'm a total beach-bum, so the winter months kill me. It feels like we are taking 1 step forward, 2 steps back. The first official day of spring was on Monday but what I would like to know is when will this winter finally die?!
Anyways, here is what I ate today:

Kashi GoLean (1 cup)
Skim milk (1 cup)
Strawberries (3)

Hummus (2 tbsps)
Mary's Organic Crackers

Homemade Chili (deck of cards)
Rice pasta (1/2 cup)
Fat free Philadelphia Cream Cheese (1 tbsp)
Romaine Lettuce
Kraft Fat Free Italian Dressing (2 tbsps)

Homemade Chili (deck of cards)
Brown Minute Rice (1/2 cup)
Fat Free Kraft Singles (2)

Not sure what I will have as a snack tonight-- maybe some grapes, or maybe I will make my protein muffins but what I do know is that I am not going on a walk tonight, lol. I will do my 20 minute circuit of free weights, squats and crunches. Bye for now! Hope your day has been warmer than mine has!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Crap... I had a slip up :(

Good evening world!
I have some sad news :( I cheated last night. Last night, I decided to do some baking so that my legal-hubby could take some snacks to work so I made him Oatmeal Raisin Cookies. My plan was to bake something for myself too (either my protein muffins or flourless peanut butter cookies) but after they came out of the oven it was over. I had to have one... or two... lol (I had two). I poured myself a big glass of milk and went to town. They tasted like guilt, lol. Anyways, I am back to being good again! When I used to cheat, I'd have the mentality that I ruined my whole diet and would return to my old ways. It took me a long time to get to this point where I could comeback from a slip up. On a different note, I had a horrible day at work today and although I'm not much of a drinker, I could have definitely gone for a stiff one tonight! LOL

Anyways, here is what I ate today:

Kashi GoLean (1 cup)
Skim milk (1 cup)
3 strawberries

Hummus & Mary's Organic Rice Crackers

Chicken Breast (deck of cards)
Brown rice (1/2 cup)
Low Sodium Soy Sauce (2 tbsps)
Romaine lettuce (2 cups)
Kraft Fat Free Italian Dressing (2 tbsps)


Stew beef (deck of cards)
Rice pasta (1/2 cup)
Peppers & Onions
This is Ben after our walk tonight :)

Monday, 21 March 2011

We Can Do It!

For all of us who sometimes feel down on ourselves. Here is your daily dose of optimism!

First Day Back To Work

So it was back to reality today and back to my regular eating routine!
The only down fall with my eating schedule during the week is that I go about 4-5 hours without eating, between lunch and dinner. The children at school definitely keep me active, especially the select few who like to take off and require me running after them, lol.

This is what I ate today:

Kashi GoLean (1 cup)
Skim milk (1 cup)
3 strawberries


Homemade Chili (half with ground beef, half with ground turkey, "deck of cards")
Brown rice (1/2 cup)
Romaine lettuce (2 cups)
Kraft Fat Free Italian Dressing (2 tbsps)


Chicken breast (deck of cards)
Brown rice (1/2 cup)
Mixed veggies

This is the children at gym time, going for a walk

Sunday, 20 March 2011


The other day I stopped by Lindsay's and even though it was her birthday, she gave me a facial and made me tea, lol. She brought out the cutest little teapot and different teas. Of course, the tea I chose was called "The Skinny" by David's Teas. It "contains oolong and pu’erh teas, both reputed to speed your metabolism and block fat absorption after a heavy meal. Plus it’s got ginger and ginseng, two more traditional metabolism uppers". It was very yummy. Similar to the Figure 8 Detox Tea from Arbonne... but better! They have stores across Canada but unfortunately not in Kitchener :( I went to buy some online and noticed my card is maxed out, sooooo it will have to wait. There is another tea place at the mall by my house called Teaopia. I may have to go check it out sometime this week. Different teas can have different health benefits. Check them out at these two websites:

Grocery Shopping!

Today I did some much needed grocery shopping and I think this will do us for the next 2 weeks or so. I bought lots of veggies, some ground meat, and lots of new Indian-inspired spices :) (Curry, Tumeric and Cumin). We get our chicken breasts for $2.49/lb usually from Robert's Boxed Meats here in Kitchener.
When Chris and I first moved in together I found it very hard to eat properly. Chris is against eating whole grains and loves his meat and pasta! So when I would make dinner, I'd end up either spending extra time to cook myself a separate meal or I'd just end up eating whatever I had just made-- pasta, Lipton Sidekicks pasta or rice, etc. On the weekend, after pay day, Chris likes to order in pizza, wings or Chinese food.
I have finally found a system that works for the both of us, because it only requires me to cook one "extra" dish:
For dinner, I eat a protein the size of a deck of cards, 1/2 cup of a rice-based starch and loads of veggies.
I usually start by making us meat-- either chicken breast, meatballs, lean beef, etc.
Then I make him a starch-- either the white pasta he (and I) adore, white rice, or a Sidekick pasta or rice
Then I made us veggies-- either frozen asian style vegetables, a salad, peppers and mushrooms, etc.
Then I make myself my starch-- brown rice or brown rice pasta
Then hopefully we have leftovers to do us over for lunch. I usually do. Chris eats a lot more than I do (he's 6'5", 270lbs) so sometimes I have to make him Kraft dinner or a Sidekick for lunch the next day.
On the days when Chris decides to order in or grab fast food, I get to have my salmon :) I buy an 8-pack of frozen salmon portions for $10 and use them for my back up ;)

Tonight's dinner: I am making a pot of chili for dinner made with 1lb of lean ground beef and 1lb of ground chicken. Then I will add tomato paste, some frozen mixed veggies, canned mushrooms, chili flakes and cayenne pepper. I will eat my "deck of cards" of chili, some brown rice and a salad. Then I will set a "deck of cards" of chili to eat for lunch tomorrow and Chris can eat the rest of the chili today and tomorrow. It's alllll about planning :)

Here is a photo of our fridge after grocery shopping.
Look at all those veggies! Tomatoes and broccoli were on sale, yay! I also bought baby bok choy for the first time.

Saturday, 19 March 2011


Hello everyone!
Before I start talking about my reward system, I would like to annouce that I made it through a few days "away" with no cheating! :D Yay, me! There was a lot of temptation, but for some reason it was much easier than usual to say no. There were Krispy Kreme Donuts at Chris' mom's house, my dad made a cake concoction, and my mom made fresh peanut butter cookies and chocolate chocolate chips cookies. Ya! Tell me about it! We are at home now, one day early, watching movies :)

Let's talk rewards! In the past, I have often "rewarded" myself with treats. "Oh, I ate so well this week, I deserve to order a pizza", or "Yeah, I can have another big plate of pasta, I haven't eaten it all week!"
Unfortunately, this is what lead to my plateau that lasted FIVE MONTHS!!!
On Thursday, my mom and my sister went to Buffalo to go shopping. We used to go every 2 months or so and I used to spend hundreds of dollars on clothes. My sister asked me if I wanted to come and I didn't have to think about it too long, before I said "no, thanks".
Reasons being:
1) I have too much crap as it is (My clothes fill up, both of our dressers and nightstands, half of our closet, the closet in the spare room and a huge wardrobe in the spare room. I'm not kidding!)
2) I really don't have much extra cash to start spending on things that I don't need and
3) I don't want to buy anymore clothes meant to fit this body. (Size 18-20)
Due to this, I have decided to set my first goal: When my clothes become too big for me to wear to work, I will make a trip to Buffalo and spoil myself a little. That way, I am killing 2 birds with one stone. I also plan on making smaller goal intervals:
When I get to 240lbs - I will go for a massage
When I get to 230lbs - I will buy myself a new pair of jeans
When I get to 220lbs - I will go for a pedicure
When I get to 210lbs - I will buy myself a LuluLemon sweater, since they don't fit right now :(
When I get to 200lbs - I will buy myself a nice piece of jewelery, like something white gold with a few diamonds :)
Although, ideally I would like to lose a total of 100-120 lbs, I will re-evaluate my goals when I am getting closer to meeting them. So, set your goals and make 'em good! Remember, the bad food will still be there after you have lost weight, it's not going anywhere, it's not going to be extinct.

Btw, here is my new hair-do :)

Friday, 18 March 2011

Find Me a Scale!!!!!

So I am a self-proclaimed scale-whore. I weigh myself everyday, sometimes more than once. I wake up, do my business, strip down and with my eyes barely open, check the scale. I feel so weird not being able to weigh myself today. I know people say you're not supposed to weigh yourself every day, but the scale makes me feel better. Even when I see a gain, I feel accountable for whatever actions I took to make me gain that pound or two. It also helps me to get to know my body better and figure out which foods my body just doesn't agree with. I can't count how many times I'd weigh myself hoping to see a drop in the number and find that I have gained. Then I'd look back at my week and not be able to find anything that would have made me gain.  For example (this is a true story), if I am good all week and I lose 4 lbs and then on the weekend I eat a slice of lasagna and a piece of veal and I gain 4 lbs, then I know what foods I need to stay away from next time, lol. So find me a damn scale so I can feel better!!! ;)
On another note, lunch with Tiffany was nice! I stuck to my guns and ate the Tomato Basil Brown Rice Spaghettini and it was sooooo yummy! I added the chicken as planned but I didn't save half for dinner tonight. It was a decent sized portion-- not too small, not as big as I thought it would have been. I also had one peach belini. So worth it. I plan to eat very light tonight to make up for that meal, just in case it's one that makes me gain.
I thought I planned my weekend perfectly but of course, but of course I forgot somethings. I brought my V8 Fusion juice to Brampton this weekend BUT... I forgot my the inositol that I put it in. Oh well, hopefully a few days without won't hurt. I also should have brought some more of my protein muffins, since they really do the trick when I am craving a sweet. Oh well! Hopefully I'll remember for next time. Now, off to get my hurr did! Peace out.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Whey Protein Isolate Muffins - Wheatfree!

Ok, so I was looking for a recipe for a flourless and sugarless sweet treat and I tried these muffins. I didn't have any lemon or blueberries so I subsituted them with dark chocolate chips. They tasted pretty good slightly dry but really good for you!

Here is the recipe:

3 eggs
3 tbsp of canola oil
1/4 heavy cream (I used skim milk instead)
1 1/4 cups of vanilla whey protein isolate powder
2 tsp of baking powder
1/3 cup of Splenda
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp grated lemon rind (I skipped)
1/2 teaspoon of grated orange peel (I skipped)
1/2 cup of blueberries (I used dark choclate chips)

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.
Mix eggs, oil, and cream together.
Then add the rest of the ingredients besides the blueberries.
Mix only enough to combine.
Add blueberries and mix.
Put muffin liners in muffin tins and add batter.
Bake for 8-10 min or until slightly golden on top.


Here they are! Don't they look yummy????

Nutritional Information:
(Based on 10 muffins with the recipe I used (skim milk, chocolate chips, no lemon, orange or blueberries)
Nutrition Facts
User Entered Recipe
  10 Servings
Amount Per Serving
  Total Fat7.0 g
     Saturated Fat1.5 g
     Polyunsaturated Fat1.5 g
     Monounsaturated Fat3.1 g
  Cholesterol55.6 mg
  Sodium132.9 mg
  Potassium66.7 mg
  Total Carbohydrate4.9 g
     Dietary Fiber0.1 g
     Sugars2.5 g
  Protein10.2 g
  Vitamin A2.1 %
  Vitamin B-122.8 %
  Vitamin B-61.3 %
  Vitamin C0.2 %
  Vitamin D3.6 %
  Vitamin E4.4 %
  Calcium11.0 %
  Copper0.1 %
  Folate1.9 %
  Iron2.1 %
  Magnesium0.3 %
  Manganese1.4 %
  Niacin0.0 %
  Pantothenic Acid    0.2 %
  Phosphorus    5.6 %
  Riboflavin3.5 %
  Selenium0.2 %
  Thiamin0.2 %
  Zinc1.4 %

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Today's Lunch!

4 homemade extra lean beef meatballs
1/2 brown rice with homemade tomato sauce and a pinch of grated parmesan
Half a plate of mushrooms!
Muah! *kisses fingers* Delicioso!
(On a small plate... Looks like a lot of food doesn't it? I love tricking my mind, LOL)

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Hurray for Tea!

Yay! So a few weeks back I went to make my daily green tea and my kettle wasn't working :( I got it for $6 at Walmart in the summer so I wasn't surprised. I stopped drinking my tea because I just felt too weird to go to the stove and boil water, lol. In the meantime I ordered "Figure 8 Detox Tea" from Arbonne. Tonight I decided to plug in my kettle and see what happened. Lo and behold, water started boiling. It looks like I just didn't plug the thing in properly, lol. (I'm such a blonde!) Well the verdict for the tea is... Pretty darn good! Considering the health benefits I can definitely get used to it. The tea "supports the normal function of the liver, kidney and blood while supporting toxin elimination" and contains "milk thistle, couch, sarsaparilla root, peppermint leaves, dandelion root, uva ursi leaves, burdock root, and fennel fruit" which I'm guessing have tons of health benefits, lol. Check it out!

My Lunch + Tips

This is the lunch that I have been eating for the past week and it is sooooo satisfying.
Homemade Hummus that I got from this website:
The crackers are called Mary's Organic Crackers and they are gluten and wheat free. Very tasty!
I've also been using my smaller plates for my meals and it has made a huge difference. 1/2 cup of starch looks a lot smaller when you're using a big plate, but it looks fine on a small plate :)
I've also stopped eating past 8:00pm which is fine most nights unless I decide to stay up late on a weekend, then I get hungry. In that case I will drink a tall glass of water with 2 tsps of Benefibre. That is usually enough to curb my hunger.

Planning, Planning, Planning!

Today I am feeling a little anxious. On Thursday, we are heading down to Brampton (where our families live) so that Chris can work a few shifts at the bar (Happy St. Patty's Day!) I know that if I don't plan my meals, I am just going to end up eating like crap and sabbotaging myself. So here is the "plan":

Things to pack:
  • Kashi GoLean Cereal
  • A thermos of skim milk
  • Homemade hummus (which I will make tomorrow)
  • Mary's Organic Crackers
  • Whey Protein Muffins (which I will make tomorrow)
  • Brown Minute Rice
  • 2 pieces of salmon (cooked at home)
  • Kraft Fat Free Italian Dressing
  • Romaine Lettuce
There! I think that should get me through the weekend! lol
I am also meeting up with a few friends at restaurants... (dun, dun, dunnnnnnn!)
On Friday, I am meeting up with Tiffany at Milestones (my fav!) where I would usually have Spinach and Artichoke dip and Grilled Chicken Penne Asiago-- basically white pasta covered in creamy cheese sauce. Not the healthiest of choices and I would finish every, last, morsel of food. THIS TIME, I am doing some research. I have decided that I am going to order "Tomato Basil Brown Rice Spaghettini: Gluten Free. Fresh grape tomatoes sauteed in olive oil with plenty of fresh spinach, basil and garlic. Tossed with brown rice spaghettini noodles and finished with Goat cheese". Ummm, can you can yummmmm?! I am also going to add some chicken breast (for protein) and hopefully be able to save half of it and bring it home, assuming the portion will be big enough to do so. I think I may have one peach belini though :)
On Saturday, Laura and I are having a salad night, lol. Well at least I am. I am not sure where we are going yet, but I am going to eat a salad with chicken and hopefully a low-fat dressing.
I am so sad that my week off of work is almost over. It's been so nice to be home, have time to work out, take Ben for walks and have even more time to plan my meals. Now I'm really looking forward to having the summer off.

Spinach and Artichoke Dip - Looks so good but it's the devil! lol - 1000 calories!

Grilled Chicken Penne Asiago - 1140 calories! Barf!
(Where's the chicken and the tomatoes?!)

Tomato Basil Brown Rice Spaghettini - 640 calories! + 200ish for the added chicken
(320 + 100 = 420 calories, since I plan on eating half)
(Looks delish! Hope it tastes as good as it looks!)