Thursday, 7 July 2011

Day 4 of T-Zone

Hello everyone!
So I've been going to T-Zone every day for the last week and just wanted to take a moment to share my experiences with it:
  • First things first, I haven't lost any weight this week but I am really hoping it means that I am gaining muscle which will in turn help me to burn fat quicker.
  • On Tuesday I came home feeling very sore in my thighs which I always thought was a good thing to feel after working out (pain = it's working!) When I went back on Wednesday the lady told me that the pain is being caused by me working to hard and a dip in lactic acid. She told me to stay away from thigh exercises and use the massaging exercises on the machine. Usually this pain lasts me a few days but this morning I woke up and I'm not in pain anymore. Could it be that this machine actually works?
  • I can barely hold a squat, a lunge or a plank on this machine!
I am really enjoying going to T-Zone, I just hope that I start seeing results in my body in the next few weeks and if so, I am able to find a way to afford it some September :)

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