Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Attention Fellow Bloggers!

So there are a few blogs that I follow and one of my friends, Meghan, tagged me in a post. I think the way it works is that one person asks a few questions and tags people and then those people answer the questions, tag a few more friends...If that's the way it works then here we go!

1) What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to have the whole pacakage. A man who loves me more than anything, as many children as I can have, a nice house, health, family and a great eaching career.

2) Favorite restaurant?
Mmmm, I love Milestones! Grilled Chicken Penne Asiago., but now I replace the penne with gluten free spaghetini

3) Guilty pleasure(s):
Horrible cheesy reality shows: Jersey Shore, Toddlers & Tiaras, Teen Mom, 16  and Pregnant,  I didn't know I was pregnant, Say Yes to the Dress, Four Weddings, Rich Bride/Poor Bride, etc.

4) What websites are you addicted to?,

5) Current creative inspiration(if any):Home decor! Found a bunch of great things on Pinterest that I need to try!

6) Goals for your summer:
Lose another 20 lbs and be out in the sun as much as I can! 

Ok I am going to tag 4 more people!
Dr. Reginia
Madame Coco Dubois

If anyone else feels like answering go ahead and reply to this post!!! :D


  1. So glad I am not the only one with those pregnancy shows! I just can't get enough! hehe

    Thanks for doing this Kristina :D

  2. I am such a pinterest addict!
