Sunday, 12 February 2012

Food, Food, Food!

Breakfast: Gluten Free Pancakes, 2 Hardboiled Eggs, Tomatoes with salt, pepper, garlic powder and paresan

Dinner: Curried Butternut Squash Soup OMG delicious!  

Homemade Baked Vegetable Spring Rolls!

Saturday, 11 February 2012

My life has changed overnight. More to come soon...

Thursday, 9 February 2012

How Full is Your Bucket?

In my Kindergarten class, we are constantly helping our children to gain personal, social and emotional skills.
One way we have done this is through the book  "How Full is Your Bucket?" by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer. If you are not familiar with this book or concept it was based on the book of the same title written for adults about positive strategies for work and life. The concept is that everyone has an internal "bucket". There are things that fill it, and things that take from it. Compliments, good company and positive enrgy fill your bucket, while criticisms, rude comments and negative energy take from your bucket.  Our goal in life is to have full buckets and fill others buckets. When we take from someone elses buket we are also taking from our own. That's why it's impossible for people who are negative towards others, to have full buckets.

Lately, I have had a pretty full bucket. I'm not going to toot my own horn or anything, but I really try to fill others buckets in my daily interactions. Even if one of my students does something inappropriate, I always try to address it in the most respectful way possible and in a way that helps them to gain self-esteem. Even though lately, I have been feeling good about my bucket, today  one interaction made me feel a little empty. It is likely that I take things a little too personally and that even though I may have had my bucket filled 20 times in one day, that scoop taken from my bucket has me feeling shitty. I have decided that for now on I am going to try and record my daily bucket fillers and emptiers and hopefully put it in perspective.  If you want more information about how to utilize these books in your classroom, with your kids or in your own life, shoot me an e-mail...or Google it, lol. 'Til next time! xo

Monday, 6 February 2012

I Feel Grrrreat!

I ate awesome today and I went to the gym for two whole hours! I was feeling really guilty about not being able to go at all last week (even thought it wasn't my fault) that I told myself that tonight I'd put in double the work. Here is a run-down of how I spent my two hours:
  • Stationary bike (20 min)
  • Weight training circuit (30 min)
  • Elliptical (15 min) Joe's mom joined me at the gym at this time :)
  • Treadmill (20 min) Walking on an incline starting at 1 and increasing by 1 each minute. Last minute waas spent walk flat)
  • Weight training circuit (30 min)
  • Crunches (5 min)
Here is what I ate today:

Kashi GoLean (1 cup)
Skim milk (1 cup)

Cabbage roll
Cauliflower soup


Cabbage rolls (2)

Frozen yogurt :) (2g of fat!)

Two of my students engaged in some building, drawing, writing and team-work. Makes me smile :)

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Tonight's Dinner

Cabbage rolls and stuffed peppers with brown rice, ground beef, tomato sauce, peppers, onions, eggplant and garlic :-)

Saturday, 4 February 2012

My old favorite thing and my new favorite thing:-)

My wonderful "mother in law" picked me up the Brita water bottle I wanted :-)  Used it at the fun today, it's pretty cool :-)

Back to the Gym! :D

OMG! So happy that I got my gym membership back! I've been having a rough week with temptations because as you may already know, when I'm "bad", I'm bad, when I'm "good" I''m really good and not being at the gym all week has made me feel a little "bad". (If that makes sense...) Joe's sister and mom woke me up this morning and we all headed off to the gym while Joe and the puppy stayed home to play Xbox, lol Plan on going 3-5 times a week. Joe's mom has been working alternating weeks on day shifts so those weeks we can go together which is nice :) On the other weeks I will go alone which is no big deal to me, gots my iPod to keep me company lol. On another note, we bought  new couch set today :) I love it! I need a life, lol. Here is a pic of it, but both in chocolate brown :)

We went to Joe's mom's for a roast beef dinner today... Yummy! Brenda and Nicole are hardcore Leaf fans so I thought I'd make 'em proud and rep the jersey lol

Oh and this is Nicole at our sushi night last night. Yummmmmyyyy!!! :)

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Attention Fellow Bloggers!

So there are a few blogs that I follow and one of my friends, Meghan, tagged me in a post. I think the way it works is that one person asks a few questions and tags people and then those people answer the questions, tag a few more friends...If that's the way it works then here we go!

1) What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to have the whole pacakage. A man who loves me more than anything, as many children as I can have, a nice house, health, family and a great eaching career.

2) Favorite restaurant?
Mmmm, I love Milestones! Grilled Chicken Penne Asiago., but now I replace the penne with gluten free spaghetini

3) Guilty pleasure(s):
Horrible cheesy reality shows: Jersey Shore, Toddlers & Tiaras, Teen Mom, 16  and Pregnant,  I didn't know I was pregnant, Say Yes to the Dress, Four Weddings, Rich Bride/Poor Bride, etc.

4) What websites are you addicted to?,

5) Current creative inspiration(if any):Home decor! Found a bunch of great things on Pinterest that I need to try!

6) Goals for your summer:
Lose another 20 lbs and be out in the sun as much as I can! 

Ok I am going to tag 4 more people!
Dr. Reginia
Madame Coco Dubois

If anyone else feels like answering go ahead and reply to this post!!! :D

My Boyfriend is the BEST!

Came home to this lovely dinner:
Beef/chick pea burger
peas and bok choy
Left over quinoa

I love him :-)